
Improve your English by using it in real life

Go to conferences and lectures, meet people, enrol on a course, read the news - get active!

This blog is primarily aimed at my students in Prague, but everyone is welcome to use it.

Recommendations and comments welcome!

Websites in English

Many Czech and international organisations have translated part or all of their websites.
Use them to practice your English!

Below are some examples - please let me know if you have any others to recommend.

Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy for Sciences
A public reserach institution engaged in research aimed generally at physics of the solid Earth and its immendiate space environment.

European Wilderness Society
Wilderness areas represent a vital element of Europe's natural adn cultural heritage.

European Wildlife
A pan-European non-profit organization dedicated to nature preservation and environmental protection.

Rewilding Britain
Wildernes Rewilding is the large-scale restoration of ecosystems where nature can take care of itself.