Here are some websites that have Czech news in English:
Radio Praha in English
Great for listening practice!
Regular news updates in English, including environmental stories.
Some of the latest nature and environmental stories:
December 2018
Record amount of timber felled in Šumava National Park this year
Young Czech scientist reveals impacts of climate change on shorebirds
November 2018
Camera traps shed new light on Czech wildcat
Linking the Elbe, Oder and Danube
Modern technology helping retrace ancient Czech roads
October 2018
Czech forestry in crisis
More Czech companies join campaign to reduce plastics
Poor harvest to double the price of potatoes
Czechs increasingly dependent on vegetable imports
Some of the latest nature and environmental stories:
October 2018
Czech Rep experiences one of the worst droughts in its recent history
Prague TV
News, culture, etc. in the Czech Republic, in English.
Some of the latest nature and environmental stories:
December 2018
Flood preparations getting fixed
November 2018
Prague ponds being renovated
Prague gives up on new smog rules
October 2018
Animals at Prague airport
News, culture, etc. in the Czech Republic, in English.
Some of the latest nature and environmental stories:
December 2018
Flood preparations getting fixed
November 2018
Prague ponds being renovated
Prague gives up on new smog rules
October 2018
Animals at Prague airport
Prague Daily Monitor
Receive a daily email with the latest Czech news - in English!
Often links to other news websites, such as Radio Praha and Prague TV.
Some of the latest nature and environmental stories:
November 2018
Record October temperatures
Czech activists collect signatures for laying off animal cages across Europe
October 2018
Temperature records tumble as Indian summer continues